Azuma House

Project page: Azuma House

Equirectangular projection

This is a simulation of a 360 degree 8K photo image in the Equirectangular projection.

Composition nodes:

[Render Layers] -> [Glare] -> [Composite]

- Glare parameters
Fog Glow, High, Size: 6

Fisheye Equisolid projection 250 degrees

The other day, I visited a shooting location where a 240-degree panoramic video was being filmed using the combination of Entaniya H250 and Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 12K (with OLPF)) cameras. Below is a simulation of the shooting using a combination of a Fisheye 250-degree lens and an 8K image sensor.

Composition nodes:

[Render Layers] -> [Image Distortion] -> [Glare] -> [Composite]

- Image Distortion paramters
Dispersion: 0.02

- Glare parameters
Fog Glow, High, Size: 6